Lakerfield B.V.

Welcome to our website, where you can find top-rated business-to-business and productivity applications, with a special focus on floriculture. Whether you're looking to streamline your workflows, improve communication, or increase efficiency, we have the tools to help you succeed. All of our apps are regularly updated and backed by excellent customer support.



HortiNL is a B2B platform that connects floriculture professionals around the world. The application is user-friendly and designed to streamline business processes for floriculture companies.

Proxy Manager

The Proxy manager is designed to make it easy to manage are custom load balancer based on Yarp. It provides a user-friendly interface for configuring and monitoring the load balancer, and includes features such as the ability to automatically request and install SSL/TLS certificates using the ACME protocol.


AgriCert is a comprehensive and user-friendly application that helps floriculture businesses streamline the process of obtaining phytosanitary certificates. These certificates are required for exporting plants and plant products to other countries, as they attest to the health and quality of the products being shipped. With AgriCert, users can easily create and manage their phytosanitary certificate applications, view the status of their applications, and access their certificates when they are ready.

Applications kinds

Single-Page Application

A Single-Page Application (SPA) is a type of website or web application that provides a more seamless and interactive user experience by dynamically updating the content of the page rather than reloading the entire page each time the user performs an action or navigates to a new page. This makes SPAs feel more like native desktop or mobile applications, rather than traditional web applications.

SPAs are built using JavaScript and use a framework, such as Aurelia, Angular or React, to manage the dynamic updates to the page. They communicate with a server-side API to retrieve and update data, but do not require a full page reload when navigating between pages or performing actions within the application. This allows for a faster, more responsive user experience.

ClickOnce application

A ClickOnce application is a type of Microsoft Windows application that can be installed and run with minimal user interaction. ClickOnce applications are typically deployed through a web page or hosted on a network file share, and are installed and run in a secure, isolated environment on the user' s computer.

One of the key features of ClickOnce is that it allows developers to publish updates to the application automatically, so users always have the latest version. It also provides a simple, streamlined installation process that does not require administrator privileges, making it easy for users to install and run the application.

ClickOnce is a good choice for deploying Windows-based applications that need to be installed on a large number of computers, or for applications that need to be automatically updated on a regular basis.